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The V.O.I.C.E.


A Premiere

Kingdom Magazine


The V O I C E, which means Victory Overcoming Insurmountable Chaos Every-Time, is a publication for men, and women.  It is designed to enrich the lives of men, and women of all walks of life but especially those with Christian foundational principles. 


The context of the V O I C E is inspirational thoughts, tips, word and demonstration from women and men who knows what it means to have overcoming victory exceedingly and abundantly. This publication is about Women and men who know that if it had not been for the Lord on their side they would not have come through such great trials and tribulation.  The V O I C E reflects the testimony of great conquerors that have been through insurmountable chaos and have survived, conquered, and lived to tell the story about the goodness of GOD. 


Join us in our victorious journey which will be none the less a life changing experience as we begin to reveal the complexity of such a wonderfully made creation by our GOD which is called man/woman. 


Issue dates are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. The V.O.I.C.E. can be downloaded at       June Issue  April  Issue

© 2016. Denise Bryson Ministres. All Rights Reserved.

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