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Love's Reality is a collection of poetic thoughts and expressions intended to build people from the inside out by exploring four facets of love relationships: About a loving God and one's self; about interpersonal relationships; about being single and loving yourself; and about loving life. Its poetry and psalms are designed to inspire, enrich, and help others approach life with confidence and assurance that they are important to God and significant to this world.
©2015 Denise Bryson (P)2015 Denise Bryson

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Both the book and audiobook are being sold on amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Loves-Reality-Based-Things-Cross/dp/1514195844/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1438389987&sr=8-7&keywords=denise++Bryson
The book is also being sold on www.creatspace estore, www.amazon.com Please see attachment for other locations
The audiobook is also being sold on http://www.audible.com/pd/Religion-Spirituality/Loves-Reality-Audiobook/B012X1GRVE/ref=a_search_c4_1_4_srTtl?qid=1438397799&sr=1-4, www.iTunes,com and www.amazon.com
Nimbit store http://www.nimbitmusic.com/kneciebthepoet
Live_Love _Life
God’s Love For Me
Your Way Lord
Worship Him
Matters of the Heart
Beautiful Queen
A Good Man